Hi, I'm Hazman.
I'm an Analytics Engineer at Apecia, specializing in developing and maintaining data pipelines for big data analysis. My work involves creating intuitive industrial-grade dashboards and establishing frameworks for big data management and processing. I also apply advanced statistical and predictive modeling techniques to develop intelligent algorithms. I graduated from the University of Malaya with a Bachelor of Science in Physics in 2023.
Current Updates
May 13, 2024: I have successfully landed my full-time position in the data field as an analytics engineer at Apecia.
October 23, 2023: I have begun my on-the-job training as an AI Developer, which is my first baby-step for my data science career. I am part of the AI Backend team that works on developing AI-based applications for E-commerce. I also get to work with other areas of AI such as NLP and LLM. This training will go on for three months.
September 9, 2023: I have been selected for the K-Youth Development Programme, a data science upskilling program offered by Excelerate Asia in partnership with General Assembly. This program is sponsored by Khazanah Nasional and lasts for four months. The first month is dedicated to learning data science skills through a bootcamp, while the remaining three months involve on-the-job training. The program also helps me develop career skills such as resume writing, interviewing, and communication.
July 7, 2023: I have recently joined Kaggle, the world’s largest data science community. This platform provides me with the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with other data scientists, as well as participate in exciting machine learning competitions. I am eager to explore all that Kaggle has to offer and continue to grow in my data science journey. Join me on Kaggle and let’s go explore our data science journey together.
June 10, 2023: I made a career choice to pursue data science. Since I had a physics background and not a computer science one, I began to look for resources that would help me start my journey in data science. I enrolled in the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate program on Coursera which would enable me to improve my skills and knowledge in this field.